If merely removing the email account does not fix the problem, remove the Outlook profile with the below steps: Step 4: Now restart your Outlook to add the account again. When the screen displays the confirmation message, tap on 'Yes,' it will remove the Outlook account that is creating trouble. Step 3: Select the account that is creating a problem and then tap on Remove. Step 2: After opening the control panel click on Mail and then on Email accounts Step 1: Type Control Panel in the search box and open it Here are the steps to delete and add an account: To fix it, you need to find and delete the profile or your email account and again add it. If the problem is with the Outlook email, it results in an Outlook login error. Tip 1: Delete email account or your Outlook profile
Tip 11: Alternative solution – Stellar Outlook Repair.Tip 8: Rename your Outlook's local folder.Tip 6: Allow Exchange to configure your account.Tip 5: Enable the option Outlook Anywhere / Exchange Proxy Settings.Tip 4: Delete Outlook key from registry.Tip 2: Delete the files from your Outlook directory.